Everything You Need To Know Brake Disc Rust [Meaning, Causes, Fixes]?

Everything You Need To Know Brake Disc Rust

Brake discs, also known as brake rotors, are an essential component of a vehicle’s braking system. They are responsible for converting the moving vehicle’s kinetic energy into thermal energy through friction, which stops the vehicle. When a driver applies the brakes, the brake pads clamp down on the brake discs, causing them to slow down … Read more

Why Does Brake Fluid Turn Black?

what color is dot 5 brake fluid

Brake fluid is an essential component of a vehicle’s brake system, helping to transfer the pressure applied to the brake pedal to the brake pads and rotors. However, over time, brake fluid can become discolored and turn black. In this article, we will explore the various reasons brake fluid can turn black, including contamination by … Read more

How To Tell What Kind Of Brakes A Car Has?

Tell What Kind Of Brakes A Car Has

Are you curious about what kind of brakes your car has? Knowing what type of brakes your vehicle has is important for understanding how they work and properly maintaining them. This blog post will explain how to determine what kind of brakes your car has and provide tips for keeping them in good condition. Whether … Read more

What Is The Difference Between Brake Pads And Brake Drums?

Brake Pads And Brake Drums

Brake pads and brake drums are two important components of a vehicle’s braking system, but they function differently and are used in different braking systems. Let’s take a closer look at what brake pads and brake drums are, how they work, and their key differences. Understanding the differences between these two components can help you … Read more

Why Brakes Squeak When Pads Are Good?

Brakes Squeak When Pads Are Good

If you’ve ever experienced a high-pitched squealing noise from your brakes, you know how annoying and potentially embarrassing it can be. You may have checked your brake pads and found they are in good condition, so what could be causing the noise? In this post, we’ll delve into why brakes can squeak even when the … Read more